Tolle Vorträge und inspirierende Ideen zur Verwendung und Verwertung biogenen Reststoffe in den Rhein-Main Region – von nachhaltiger Garnelenzucht in…
Great teams ❤️ have great team events! Thank you all for the fun time and Johannes Braun and Sidney Wilz for the great organisation…
At the core of the final European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) is the concept of double materiality, which mandates reporting…
Today, we present another successful application example for #EcoDesign. What does “material efficiency in production” mean❓ 👉 This material strategy aims…
Danke an das gesamte CIRCuIT Team! Am Montag durften wir die CIRCuIT-Abschlussveranstaltung im Hamburger Rathaus mitgestalten und es war eine…
On Monday, the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (#ESRS) adopted by the EU Commission were published. Now there is a binding…