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With our team, we cover a broad spectrum of specialist areas and competences.

Consultancy areas cover CSR strategy development, CSR/non-financial reporting, climate and resource management, supply chain analysis, circular economy as well as ecodesign.

We have expertise in environmental due diligence and environmental impact assessment. We also build on specialist knowledge and many years of experience with regard to regulation, sustainability-related risk management and compliance.


The central elements of a successful sustainability strategy are understanding sustainability as a value-added factor for your corporate value and as a contribution to society as a whole.

This focused, shared-value approach becomes the basis for developing your impact strategy for your business model. Aligning with your key issues, this is reflected in areas such as climate change, closed loop recycling, supply chains, products etc.

Developed on the basis of long experience, our strategy tool-set enables us to model your individual ambitions and offer you global support.

Contact us for more information.


The central elements of a successful sustainability strategy are understanding sustainability as a value-added factor for your corporate value and as a contribution to society as a whole.

This focused, shared-value approach becomes the basis for developing your impact strategy for your business model. Aligning with your key issues, this is reflected in areas such as climate change, closed loop recycling, supply chains, products etc.

Developed on the basis of long experience, our strategy tool-set enables us to model your individual ambitions and offer you global support.

Contact us for more information.


We assist you in implementing your sustainability strategy. This includes, among other things, making sustainability measurable – by reviewing and evaluating products and processes and developing appropriate KPIs.

Our solutions range from the determination of GHG emissions to the development and integration of material strategies.

The methods we use include benchmarking, hotspot analysis, workshops and onboarding and monitoring, and also lifecycle analysis (LCA), product carbon footprint (PCF), corporate carbon footprint (CCF). We develop practical tools for specific issues wherever necessary.

Taxonomy and reporting

The EU Taxonomy Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) impose extensive reporting obligations on companies. We make the complex rules understandable and assist you in applying them to individual business activities and computing the relevant indicators. Our support accompanies you through the entire process of reporting up to publication of the report.

We are versed in the specific requirements of various ESG ratings and will be happy to advise you in responding, including EcoVadis, Sustainalytics and S&P.

Our extensive expertise with ESG standards, from SASB through ISSB to TCFD, is joined by years of experience in reporting in compliance with GRI, German Sustainability Code (DNK) and UN Global Compact.

Contact us!

Taxonomy and reporting

The EU Taxonomy Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) impose extensive reporting obligations on companies. We make the complex rules understandable and assist you in applying them to individual business activities and computing the relevant indicators. Our support accompanies you through the entire process of reporting up to publication of the report.

We are versed in the specific requirements of various ESG ratings and will be happy to advise you in responding, including EcoVadis, Sustainalytics and S&P.

Our extensive expertise with ESG standards, from SASB through ISSB to TCFD, is joined by years of experience in reporting in compliance with GRI, German Sustainability Code (DNK) and UN Global Compact.

Contact us!

ESG Professional training and personal certification

e-hoch-3 sets new standards with the Sustainability Academy in order to combine long-term economic success in companies with ecological sustainability, social justice and good corporate governance. We train ESG multipliers and share our many years of expert knowledge, scientifically sound methods and proven sustainability practice to managers and ESG staff as well as interested persons in advisory and supervisory functions, e.g. management and supervisory board mandates, tax consulting and auditing firms, investors and banks. We have been teaching for many years at colleges, universities and research institutes, e.g. life cycle assessments and resource-optimized product design, greenhouse gas balancing and corporate sustainability management.

Certificate Courses

As a cooperation partner of DEKRA, the e-hoch 3 Sustainability Academy offers personal certifications. This allows companies to benefit twice: building up in-house sustainability expertise and strengthening employee loyalty as part of personnel development.

Details on dates and conditions can be found at


Key areas of ehoch3 expertise cover innovation management and ecodesign. We design customised solutions for your individual needs and applications.

Parallel to our advisory services, we participate in ongoing research projects. The focus of our research activities centres on innovative production processes and business models, renewable raw materials and circular construction.

We cooperate with companies and universities at the national and international level.

You can find a list of our publications and projects under News.


Key areas of ehoch3 expertise cover innovation management and ecodesign. We design customised solutions for your individual needs and applications.

Parallel to our advisory services, we participate in ongoing research projects. The focus of our research activities centres on innovative production processes and business models, renewable raw materials and circular construction.

We cooperate with companies and universities at the national and international level.

You can find a list of our publications and projects under News.