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Robert-Bosch-Straße 7, 64293 Darmstadt

The EU Horizon 2020 funded project CIRCuIT is hosting the final event in Copenhagen – a great exchange of ideas, lighthouse projects, pragmatic solutions and inspiring ideas to foster circularity and sustainability in cities, contributing to carbon reduction and discussing future approaches. Thanks so much to #Copenhagen for hosting us, to the participating partners and cities #Helsinki, #London, #Hamburg, specifically to the great Hamburg City team, of which we haven been a part: Technische Universität Hamburg, OTTO WULFF, EGGERS Tiefbau GmbH, OTTO DÖRNER Gruppe and specifically #CIRCuIT#Teamspirit Simon Gühlstorf Annette Schröder Frank Beister Thomas Storm Ana Julia Kuschmierz Silke Bainbridge-Nott Janus zum Brock Mahsa Doostdar Kerstin Kuchta Stefan Wulff Uta K. Mense Johannes Braun Miriam Akou  Ariana Carolina Morales Rapallo @Philipp Wendt. Stay tuned – great topic!!!
#CircularEconomy #Circularbuildlings #sustainability #SDGs #CarbonRecution #RecyclingConcrete