Every EU citizen disposes an average of 180 kg of #plasticwaste each year. Plastic packaging accounts for more than one third of the waste stream. Without action, the EU would see a further 19% increase in packaging waste by 2030. To tackle this constantly growing source of waste, the Commission has proposed new EU-wide rules on #packaging. The proposed revision has three main objectives:
- to reduce plastic packaging waste in the EU in quantity,
- to boost high-quality #recycling and
- to reduce the need for primary natural resources.
EU member states would have to reduce packaging waste per capita by 15% by 2040 compared with 2018. This is to be achieved through reuse, refilling and recycling. We develop alternative packaging and recycling solutions in close cooperation with you.
#circulareconomy #europe #change
European Green Deal: Putting an end to wasteful packaging (europa.eu)